160321 Yoni Higgsmith - Banking on Land vs Prosperity


Date  21/03/2016 Presenter Yoni Higgsmith
Time    Secretaries  
Location  Quaker Meeting House  Type of meeting Talk


(add yourself if missing)

approx. 30 people present


Banking on Land vs Prosperity

presenter: Yoni Higgsmith



This was a joint event with Festival of Debate. Sam Walby spoke briefly on behalf of the festival,  Peter Verity spoke briefly about Positive Money, and then introduced the main speaker.


Yoni Higgsmith describes himself as a "Land Value Tax activist, filmmaker and officer for the Labour Land Campaign  and Professional Land Reform Group"

He gave an interesting talk, illustrated with three short clips from the documentary The Taxing Question of Land


He stressed that Land Value Tax (LVT) is not to be thought of as an additional tax, but one which can replace existing taxes - hence "Land Value Tax Shift". The audience was engaged throughout, especially in a 'workshop' in which we were encouraged to think what effect LVT would have as a community develops.


Yoni has provided an extract, including the video clips, here >  http://www.labourland.org/festival-of-debate-sheffield-2016-with-positive-money/