160523 - 3 speakers, the Trouble with Money


Date  23/5/16 Chairs  
Time    Secretaries  
Location  Quaker Meeting House  Type of meeting Meet-up


27 people present


The trouble with money - what is wrong with money, and how do we fix it

This event brought together speakers from 3 different Sheffield groups, all campaigning in different ways for economic justice.


1. Sheffield Money

Rob Shearing (CEO) gave us an informative talk on the objectives of Sheffield Money, a 'credit' broker' set up with support from Sheffield Council, to help the estimated 50,000 people in Sheffield who are in some form of economic disadvantage.

The help offered includes Debt advice, access to lower cost credit, savings and banking services, and white goods.


You can download Rob's presentation here 160523 Sheffield Money presentation.pptx

Rob also showed a video featuring some of its clients, which you can watch here https://vimeo.com/152107089

The Sheffield Money website is at https://sheffieldmoney.co.uk/ and if anyone would like to help, or would like further information, Rob would be pleased to hear from them


2. Positive Money

Peter Verity (coordinator of the Sheffield group) gave an introductory talk about Positive Money. He showed two videos -


The lack of understanding is a big obstacle to reform.


3. Sheffield Pound

Finally, Louis Read from Sheffield Pound talked about the benefits of a local currency. The Sheffield Pound is still in the exploration phase, and Louis intends to spend some time in discussion before firming up on what form a Sheffield Pound will take. There was considerable audience discussion, and it was suggested that a Sheffield Pound should have a one-to-one conversion with Sterling. (Note - we had a talk on the possibility of a Sheffield Pound in 2014 - see minutes 141124 Jonathan Warner "Community Currencies" )


The next step is a meeting of all interested parties, to be held on June 1st, 6:30pm at Regather, 57-59 Club Garden Road


To find out more, visit their facebook page https://www.facebook.com/SheffieldPound/ and you can contact Louis at sheffieldpound@gmail.com