02 Minutes from 21st November 2011


Date  21/11/2011  Chairs Dave Jefferies
Time  18:45 - 20:45  Secretaries Peter Verity, Jonathan Chambers
Location  Quaker Meeting House  Type of meeting Meet-up


(add yourself if missing)

Dave, Peter, Sue, Dermot, Alan, Katherine, Ivor, Mike, Aaron, Ash, SteveJohn, Richard, Jon C 


Table of Contents



Introduction and report from previous meeting

presenter: Peter

There are currently 19 people subscribed to the email group. Four people who came to the first meeting did not subscribe.


Report back from previous meeting


1 DVD too long –response from Positive Money:

In the following blog entry, PM indicated that they would be producing some new videos http://www.positivemoney.org.uk/2011/10/flyers-video-editing/

Ben Dyson has also said they will be replacing the existing DVD with the talk he gave at the Oct conference. “The total content will be longer but it’ll be split in such a way that a shorter version could be watched”


In the absence of a suitable length DVD from Positive Money, we could perhaps use “Money as Debt” video.


2 Taking copies of the DVD

Ben has no objection to this providing PM get some income. Buying the DVD helps them a bit financially, but regular donations are better.


3 Text form of proposals

Ben agreed it would be a good idea, but could not give a timeline.

Peter said that he was working on a ‘pamphlet’ form, which would be suitable for eg. sending to MPs, or for giving to people who have perhaps seen a flyer and want to find out more.


4 Convincing MPs that banks really create money

There are useful resources on the PM website. Follow the links GET INVOLVED > EDUCATE YOUR MP. This gives advice on meeting, writing to, and emailing your MP. Also on this page is a link to “Do banks really create money” and a letter from the BoE which states “when banks make loans, commercial banks do indeed create much of the money in the economy”






Action Items


  1. Complete 'pamphlet' - Peter (sense-check with Alan)


The Vickers Report

presenter: Peter


PRESENTATION: Vickers report slides.ppt


Peter gave a talk on the Vickers report, saying we need to understand its strengths and weaknesses, because it is the closest thing we have to a government policy on banking reform.


He identified the strengths as

(1) protecting retail banks with a “flexible” ringfence - this will help get taxpayers "off the hook"

(2) retail deposits of up to £1trn of credit could become available to the domestic economy, instead of going to casino banking

(3) greater capital requirements to protect the banks against defaults

(4) increased competition and ease of switching banks.


The weakness is that it is about BANKING reform, not MONETARY reform. It does nothing to stop the money supply expanding or contracting, as this occurs within the retail banking sector. Conclusion - "mission incomplete"


Peter recommended members to look at two important resources -

a) The Positive Money proposals – this is the best document to understand what PM is about



b) Sir John Vickers opening remarks, summarising the report.



[Post-meeting note: George Osborne promises in the following clip that the government will give a response by the end of the year, and will introduce legislation within this parliament to put the proposals into practice. We wait and see!







Action Items



Aims of the Sheffield Positive Money Group

presenter: Jon C


PRESENTATION: Aims of the Sheffield Positive Money Group.ppt


Jon presented a few ideas for what the group might reasonably aim to achieve:











We concluded by agreeing that we have 3 principle aims:


  1. To bring about monetary reform (long term plan)
  2. To educate ourselves as a group (about monetary reform)
  3. To educate others 


Action Items


  1. Jon C will set up a wiki for the group ASAP - DONE
  2. Jon C will share his slides - (under the files section of this wiki, and in these minutes) - DONE
  3. Dave will add Professor Danny Dorling's material on social justice to the reading list (Do you mean these Dave...) 
    1. http://www.shef.ac.uk/geography/staff/dorling_danny
    2. http://sasi.group.shef.ac.uk/fairplay/Homepage.html
  4. Jon on behalf of Steve will also add a reference to the writings of Bill Bonner in "Money Week" - DONE 




Possible activities / Future actions of the group


These discussions blended into the end of the aims discussion...








Action Items


  1. Jon will grab an .AVI version of the short Positive Money video for showing to the Occupy people and others
  2. Alan was asked to post to the group the materials he uses with Paul Blomfield and the occupiers



Other business





Open question: How often do we want to meet?