150629 Nirvana "MMT and 7 frauds"


Date  29 Jun 2015 Speaker Nirvana Bloor
Time    Secretaries Peter
Location  Quaker Meeting House  Type of meeting Meet-up


Approx 20 people



Talk "MMT and the 7 Deadly Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy"

presenter: Nirvana Bloor

A well attended talk, with many new faces. The slides can be downloaded here  150629 Nirvana - Modern Money Theory (MMT).pdf



Peter set the context by explaining that Positive Money and MMT are two different approaches to monetary reform. While PM seeks to reform the private banking system, which creates 97% of our money supply, MMT gives greater emphasis on public sector finances. However, both advocate some form of public control of the money supply, and are best viewed as parallel arguments. This is exemplified by the situation in Greece which faces both a sovereign debt crisis, and a run on the (private) banks. - both MMT and PM have important contributions to solving this.


Nirvana then started her talk by describing the history, key players and the growth in support for MMT. For instance, a conference in Rimini attracted 2000 delegates in 2012. MMT is a Post-Keynesian economic theory, and is converging with Monetary_circuit_theory (which states basically that 'money' is credit, created endogenously by the banking sector).


Key to understanding MMT is that the private sector behaves pro-cyclically (the paradox of thrift), and that the Government is the only agent that can act in an counter-cyclic way, providing it has sovereign control of the money supply.


MMT thinking is revolutionary - "Copernican". Much of our thinking is back to front eg.  the government doesn't need to tax (or borrow) in order to spend; running a public sector surplus impoverishes the private sector.


The Seven Frauds

"Seven Deadly Innocent Frauds of Economic Policy" is the title of a book by Warren Mosler (see 'Further Reading' below for download)


Fraud 1: Government must raise funds through either taxation or borrowing in order to spend.


Fraud 2: Public deficits leave a debt burden to our children.


Fraud 3: Public budget deficits take away savings.


Fraud 4: Social security is broken.


Fraud 5: Trade deficit takes away jobs and output.


Fraud 6: We need to save before we can invest.


Fraud 7: Higher deficits today mean higher taxes tomorrow - and that's bad.


Convergences and Divergences with Positive Money

Both campaigns see the need to restrain the creation of debt-based money by banks, which causes unprecedented levels of private debt. However, MMT diverges from Positive Money in some respects. MMT maintains that -



Unfortunately, there was little time left for any discussion. Below are some of the questions/comments from the audience.


Further reading


Available to download from: http://moslereconomics.com/2009/12/10/7-deadly-innocent-frauds/


